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Elizade University E-learning Policy

Vision Statement: To be a globally competitive institution that produces entrepreneurial, innovative and ethical graduates.

Mission Statement: To produce graduates with the appropriate skills and knowledge for the development of the nation and global competitiveness.

1. Introduction
Elizade University is committed to providing high-quality e-learning opportunities to its students, faculty, and staff through the successful integration of e-learning into its educational offerings and dedication to the maintenance of high standards of quality, accessibility, and student support in all e-learning activities.
This policy document outlines the guidelines, principles, and procedures governing the development, implementation, and support of e-learning initiatives in our institution.

2. Elizade University E-Learning Goals
The University E-Learning goal is to expand access to higher education opportunities for students through online and blended learning programmes. Digital technologies will be used to provide relevant and timely coursework and training to enhance students' learning experience by removing the barriers of both time and place. Elizade University will put at the disposal of its students the necessary digital tools needed.

3. Elizade University E-Learning Policy Statement
The University will use e-learning where appropriate to support the achievement of its goals which are in-line with the institution's ICT policy of providing e-learning experiences that are flexible, responsive and effective in meeting the needs of all its learners.
Activities pertaining to e-learning will, where relevant, be embedded in all University policies and procedures to ensure a consistent and corporate approach to associated systems, processes and responsibilities. For the e-learning to be effective and efficient, students are expected to have access to all required materials/resources so that they are able to meet the learning outcomes of the courses/study programmes.

4. Purpose
The purpose of this e-learning policy is to:

  • Define the institutional stance on e-learning
  • Establish guidelines for the development and delivery of e-learning courses and programmes
  • Ensure the quality, integrity, and accessibility of e-learning resources and learning experiences
  • Outline the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders involved in e-learning activities
  • Support the effective utilization of technology to enhance teaching, learning, and students' outcomes
  • Ensure a secure and productive digital learning environment.

5. Elizade University E-Learning Objectives
The objectives of the e-learning policy are to:

  • Integrate technology into the current curriculum and assessments, thus increasing access to learning
  • Provide information resources and support services for students
  • Support the use of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and other technologies, in both face-to-face and online learning environments
  • Promote the sharing of effective technology-enhanced teaching and learning practices among faculty
  • Coordinate the development of quality courses and programmes to meet the needs of elearners
  • Evaluate periodically and comprehensively every facet of the e-learning programme and use the results for restructuring and programme improvement.

6. Scope
This policy applies to all academic and administrative units involved in the planning, development, delivery, and support of e-learning activities at Elizade University.

7. Principles
The following principles will guide the institution's approach to e-learning:

  • Quality: E-Learning materials and activities will meet high standards of instructional design, content relevance, and learning outcomes attainment
  • Accessibility: E-Learning resources and platforms will be designed to be accessible to all learners, including those with disabilities
  • Integrity: Academic integrity will be upheld in all e-learning activities, with measures in place to prevent cheating and plagiarism
  • Support: Adequate support services and resources will be provided to students and faculty engaged in e-learning activities
  • Continuous Improvement: E-Learning programmes and courses will be subject to ongoing evaluation and enhancement, based on feedback and assessment data.

8. Roles and Responsibilities
8.1. Administration:

  • Elizade University administration is responsible for providing adequate resources and support for the development and maintenance of e-learning infrastructure and initiatives.
  • It will also oversee compliance with institutional policies and regulatory standards related to e-learning activities.
8.2. Faculty:
  • Faculty members are responsible for developing and delivering high-quality e-learning course modules that align with institutional learning outcomes and programme objectives.
  • They will ensure that course materials, assessments, and interactions are designed to engage and support diverse learners effectively.
8.3. Students:
  • Students engaged in e-learning activities are responsible for adhering to institutional academic integrity policies, actively participating in e-learning activities and seeking support when needed.
8.4. E-Learning Support Staff:
  • Dedicated e-learning support staff will facilitate the technical and instructional support needed for faculty and students engaged in e-learning activities.
  • They will provide training, troubleshooting assistance, and help desk services to ensure the effective use of e-learning platforms and tools.
8.5. Responsible Use: All users of e-learning resources are expected to act responsibly and ethically. This includes:
  • Respecting intellectual property rights
  • Using technology for educational purposes only
  • Avoiding plagiarism and cheating
  • Maintaining the confidentiality of login credentials

9. Course Development and Delivery
9.1. Design and Development:

  • E-Learning courses will be designed using best practices in instructional design, incorporating active learning strategies, multimedia elements, and interactive assessments.
  • Courses will undergo quality assurance reviews to ensure alignment with institutional standards and learning objectives.
9.2. Platform and Technology:
  • An approved Learning Management System (LMS) will be utilized as the primary platform for hosting and delivering e-learning courses.
  • The institution will provide training and technical support for faculty and students to effectively utilize e-learning technologies.
9.3. Accessibility:
  • E-Learning course materials, including multimedia content, will be designed to comply with accessibility standards, ensuring inclusivity for all learners.
9.4. Blended Learning:
  • E-Learning will be integrated with traditional teaching methods to create a blended learning experience. This allows for the best of both online and in-person instruction.

10. Student Support
10.1. Academic Support:

  • Students engaged in e-learning activities will have access to academic advising, tutorials, services, and library resources to support their learning needs.
  • Additional academic support services tailored to the unique needs of e-learning study mode will be provided.
10.2. Technical Support:
  • Dedicated technical support services will be available to assist students with e-learning platform access, connectivity issues, and troubleshooting related to technology use.

11. Evaluation and Continuous Improvement
11.1. Assessment:

  • E-Learning courses will be regularly evaluated to gauge student learning outcomes, course effectiveness, and students' satisfaction with the e-learning experience.
  • Evaluation data will inform continuous improvement efforts aimed at enhancing the quality and relevance of e-learning offerings.
11.2. Professional Development:
  • Faculty engaged in e-learning activities will have access to professional development opportunities focused on e-learning best practices, technology integration, and online teaching pedagogy.

12. Compliance and Review
Elizade University will ensure compliance with relevant accreditation standards, regulations, and industry best practices pertaining to e-learning. This e-learning policy will be subject to periodic review and revision to reflect evolving best practices, technological advancements, and feedback from stakeholders.

13. Related Policies
This e-learning policy is to be read in conjunction with other institutional policies related to academic integrity, students' handbook, and Information & Communication Technology policy.

14. Intellectual Property Rights and Ownership

  • E-content whose development is initiated and supported by the University belongs to the University.
  • E-content that is developed independently by a member of staff using his or her own resources belongs to the staff member.
  • Where e-content that fully or partially belongs to a staff member is adopted by the University, the existing University intellectual property policy shall apply.

15. Communication and Dissemination
This policy will be communicated to all relevant stakeholders, including faculty, students, administrators, and e-learning support staff, to ensure understanding and adherence to the outlined guidelines.

16. Implementation
The implementation of this e-learning policy will be overseen by a designated administrative body (Implementation Committee) tasked with coordinating and supporting e-learning initiatives across the institution.